Mamajuana Kalembu
I found this product one day while I ventured out to my favorite liquor store in NJ
The store itself is un-important, but they carry some of my favorite high price ranged aged liquors. I am a rum lover and their selection of rum is always up to par, so when I saw a bottle of this product called “Kalembu” and claiming the name “Mamajuana” on the label, I was pulled in right away.
Being a Dominican, my interest in Dominican products and how they are represented has always been important to me, and Mamajuana is something that I know a lot about. Having made my own numerous times from legitimate Dominican mixtures of tree-barks herbs and seasonings I was a bit weary of how this would compare to the real product.
THE LABEL: Reading the product bottle, you can see it is made in the Dominican Republic, Santo domingo Oeste to be exact, and follows the traditional process of letting the rum soak in tree barks along with honey and everything needed. 30% alcohol and 60 proof seems right, if you figure rum is around 35-40%, and the final mix of mamajuana uses honey and sometimes wine, that would reduce the content to about that. Yet for the price, I was not about to believe all this, at around 12-16 dollars for a 750 ml bottle there is no way this can tastes anything like the real thing, there is just no way, logistics just would not add up!
But as a crack open a bottle, let it flow into the glass and take my first sip all doubt is quickly removed, J&J Spirits CxA have trapped lighting in a bottle, this my friends, was not only Mamajuana, this is Mamajuana to the third power.
It is sweet, but not an overly sweetness where you feel the taste is simply due to the honey, a flavor that is very apparent as you sip this. Woody tones come blasting along with the taste of rum, and I’m not sure if they use their own rum blend or not, but if I had to take a crack at it the taste is that of clear Brugal rum, perhaps even dark Brugal used to make this product.
Their slogan is “De Tal Palo, Tal E’Tilla” – and there is a sexual connotation to the name, well fitted since Mamajuana is said to have viagara like effects on some of its drinkers.
The best way to drink this is after it has been chilled for a few hours, just drop it on your freezer and enjoy it as a shooter, or sip it neat, no ice needed and there is no need to mix it unless you simply want the drink to last a bit longer.
Check these guys out, they got it right, and we would not be typing about it if it wasnt true to the real Dominican Mamajuana. They are strong at the moment in the east coast of the United states, and may be a bit harder to find in states in the west, however check out their site for locations and where to buy it.
We have an interview coming up with them, so we will make sure to get all the inside info on this product, got any questions for us to ask feel free to post them below!
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