La Luz De Un Cigarillo – Play – Review

La Luz De Un Cigarillo

I have yet to see this play so i can’t even tell you how it is, but I can tell you that Dominican Author and Pulitzer prize winner Junot Diaz had very high regards for it when we spoke via E-mail a few days ago.

Today I was just on facebook, and Milly Quezada posted a status about the play as well, so if two great Dominican artist are giving it a thumbs up, It must be, pretty darn good.

Here is a write-up I found on, well writen and will serve until I end up seeing the play myself.

After the massive success of They Call Me La  Lupe, starring Dexter’s Lauren  Velez, Off-Broadway’s prominent LATEA Theater is proud to present a rare and  intimate glimpse into the lives of a Dominican-York family.  La Luz De Un  Cigarrillo, written and directed by award-winning playwright Marco Antonio  Rodriguez, is the rarest of plays written by a Dominican, starring Dominicans  and using the native Dominican and Dominican-York vernacular.

This unique  performance will go into previews beginning Thursday, April 28th continuing  through Sunday, May 1st.  Opening night is Wednesday, May 4th.  Runs Wednesdays  thru Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 4pm.  Closing night gala, Sunday, June 5th.    LATEA Theater is located at 107 Suffolk Street #200, New York City, 10002.

La Luz De Un Cigarrillo is performed in authentic Dominican Spanish with  English subtitles and stars Susanna Guzman, Teresa  Yenque (Broadway’s A Streetcar Named Desire with Natasha  Richardson), Arisleyda Lombert and Ismael Cruz Córdova (currently on The  Good Wife).  La Luz De Un Cigarrillo was nominated for the prestigious “Asunción  Playwrights Award.”

Over the course of two evenings, mother and son, two estranged generations of  Dominicans living in mid-town Manhattan, attempt to rekindle the love and appreciation for each  other and their roots; but unexpectedly revealed intimate and taboo secrets  threaten to destroy an already thin bond.  For mature audiences only.

Born and raised in New York, with roots from the Dominican Republic, Marco  Antonio is the 2007 recipient of the DFW “Critics Forum Award For Outstanding  New Play” for his work, Heaven Forbids!  He has written, acted, produced and  directed critically acclaimed hits such as Pico de Gallo and the Southwest  premiere of Rick  Najera’s Latinologues during its national tour.  He has also done  commissioned work for ANTHEM.Heaven Forbids! was invited to perform at the New  York International Fringe Festival where it was received with praises by Timeout  New York and The Edge New York.

Tickets are $20 general, $15 senior citizens/students with I.D.  Reservations  can be made by calling 212-529-1948 or

Performances in Spanish with English Subtitles