If you are a fan of the Dominican Culture, then surely you know about Alex Bueno
“El hombre mas afinado” as he is known (The most in tune man) because of his vocal range and always being able to deliver in live performances.
What you may have missed is where he had been the last few years and why his music all but disappeared from the face of radio, the reason to put it bluntly was drugs.
While he stated that fame came too soon for him as a youth in the 80′s, and he was “too immature” to handle it, it was the very people he surrounded himself with that led him into an addiction that could have not only finished his career, but his life as well.
While his drug use was known to the people in the industry, it wasn’t until the last 10 years that the drug use became so visible that it stopped Alex from getting shows and being marketable.
He lost a great amount of weight, and some teeth in the process, some people started spreading rumors that he had throat cancer, and many rumors of his death surfaced as well due to his condition.
Some videos also surfaced on Youtube, many where Alex appears in real bad shape, and some done intentionally in bad taste where the reporter would exploit Alex’s honesty in knowing he needed help with drugs just to make a story out of it.
Alex Bueno Antes De que se Recupero / Alex Bueno before Recovery
Well worry no more, the man is back, and from the latest performance in “El Show Del Mediodia” the man seems more focused than ever. After publicaly seeking help, and putting himself trough rehab the man has done a complete 360, not only in looking like his old self again, but concentrating in where he is best, the music. He says his Mother and God were critical in his recovery.
In an industry filled with negative news, and where the bad aspects and mistakes that our beloved artists make are exploited, we here at ThatsDominican.Com welcome the great news about Alex and his new outlook on life. These are our people, and when something great like this happens it needs to be shared!
Alex Bueno in “El Show Del Mediodia” 2011 Live Performance