Dominican Slang
AFICIAO (Ah-Fee-Ciao)
a. adjective.,
1. From the word “asfixiado” meaning to asphyxiate.
2. To Be enamoured with or in love
3. Used to describe someone whose life/thoughts is/are consumed with another person.
1.“Ese tipo se la pasa mirando la foto de ella, ta aficiao”.. = “He spends his time looking at her picture, he is in love”
2. This Youtube Video shows what a conversation someone Aficiao might have (Spanish): See Video “Dominicano Aficiao”
s. saying.,
1. literal meaning “The Devil Lurks” or “The Devil Walks”
2. Saying to demonstrate frustration, “damn it to hell”
3. another way to say “Damn”
1. “Juanito que tu ta haciendo con esa chiva? Anda el Diablo” = “Juanito what are you doing with that goat? Damn it”
BABOSO (Bah-Bozzo):
n. noun.,
1. Meaning you talk alot
2. Literal meaning “drooler” as in you got verbal diarrhea
3. sh*t talker
1. “Tu si eres baboso” = “You sure talk a lot of sh*t”
BOCA DE SUAPE or Boca de trapo (Bow-cah-deh-swap-eh):
a. adjective.,
1. See. Baboso
2. Literal meaning “Mop Mouth”
3. someone with a big mouth/gossiper
1. Diantre, Manuel si que es BOCA de SUAPE, tanta baba que habla. = “Damn! Manuel has a Big Mouth, he can’t keep a secret
BAINA / VAINA or Bainita (Bine-ah):
n. noun.,
1. Literal meaning a type of pea, or sheath to a sword
2. Womans private part
3. Dominican slang word to describe a ”thing” – any “thing”
1. “Oye manin dime abe, hase rato Loco en que baina tu ta?” = “Yo man whats good, it’s been a hot ass minute yo, what u been up to?”
BUGARRON (Boo-gah-run):
a. adjective.,
1. Used to describe a gay person
2. Derrogative term for a man who lays with men
1. “Loco, ve esa tipa tava desnuda enterita y ese tipo no le hiso na! Maldito Bugarron” = “Yo that chick was totally naked, and he did’nt even touch her! What a fag”
s. saying.,
1. In French meaning “Hide and Seek”
2. Used as “cool”, “doing good”
3. See Hevi.
1. “A pero mira, tu ta cache-cache” = “Ah look, you’re doing well (looking well)”
CARAJITO (car-ah-heet-Oh):
n. noun.,
1. A diminutive way of saying kid – i.e. Little kid
2. Made up word, you would think is has to do with Carajo (see Carajo) but no.
1. “Y ven aca, de quien es ese carajito?” = “Wait a second, Whose kid is that?”
CARAJO (car-ah-ho):
p. place.,
1. Made up place where your Mom sends you to when she’s mad
2. Another way to say hell.
1. “Vete pal’ Carajo” = “Go to Hell”
CHAN (chan):
n. person.,
1. Dominican slang for Man, friend, person.
2. Used instead of man, bro ect.
1. “Dimelo Chan” = “What’s up man.”
CHARLIE (char-lee) Also CHAILI (Chai-Lee):
n. person.,
1. See CHAN.
s. saying.,
1. used as awesome, or cool.
1. “Esa cancion esta bien chevere” = “That song is very cool”
n. noun.,
1. Meaning a little bit, a small bit of.
2. A piece of, a part of. Origin from the Taino Language.
1. “Diache pero, dame un chin de ese mango mami” = “Damn, break me off a bit of that mango baby”
CHINCHILIN (chin-chee-lynn):
d. description.,
1. a bad smell
2. From the Taino Language meaning a type of Black Bird.
1. “Tu hiede a chinchilin” = “you Smell bad”.
CHULO or Papi chulo(Choo-Lo):
a. adjective.,
1. used to describe something or someone cool.
2. A male who is suave, a playboy.
3. A good looking man.
1. Singer Antony Santos often Uses the phrases “Que chulo, Que chevere” meaning, “How cool, how awesome” in his music as a tag line.
COCOTASO (cock-oh-tass-oh):
a. action.,
1. Dominican slang for A hit with a closed fist over the head
2. Rapper from Washington Heights that now lives in Florida.
1. “TOMA!!! Un cocotaso” = “BAM!! then hit them over the head”.
CONCHO (Con-Cho):
n. noun.,
1. Used instead of “coño” or as a non curse version of the word.
2. Used as “damn”.3. Also means Taxi, as in moto-concho.
1. “Concho hijo de la gran Yegua!” = “Damn son of the great horse” <– Don’t ask.
s. saying.,
1. Dominican slang Word meaning Damn.
2. Considered a curse word.
1. “Coño Hijo de la porra deja el maidito jugete quieto! cual es tu problema?!” = “Damn son of a ***** leave the toy alone, what is your problem?”.
a. saying.,
1. Dominican equivalent of “The boogy-monster”
2. invisible monster that Dominican parents say is gonna get their kids if they keep being bad
3. Nickname used by Dominican Merengue singer Toño Rosario
1. “si te pones a correr te sale el cuco” = “If you run, the boogy monster will come out”
CURA or Que Cura (coo-rah):
a. adjective.,
1. Literal meaning to cure, a cure
2. Used to describe something funny.
1. “Tu viste el video El Mosquito Dominicano Que Cura mano! = “Did you see the video El Mosquito Dominicano? That was so funny man.”
s. saying.,
1. Dominican slang Derived from Dazme Luz (Give me light)
2. used as “what’s up”
3. See “que lo Que”
1. “Dame lu manin que hay” = “whats up man.. whats up”
s. saying.,
1. Comes from “DIATRE”, which means devilish
2. A PG-13 way to say “Damn”
3. Gosh is to God as Diablo is to Diache
1. “Ey Diache Chan poy que tu me dite un Cocotaso?” = “Damn man why you hit me over the head?”
s. saying.,
1. Derrived from the actual word “dizque”
2. Used as “thats what I heard” or “supposedly”
3. So I heard
1. “Ella se gano mil pesos… dique… “ = “She Won one thousand dollars… supposedly”
s. Saying.,
1. Shortening of the term “Dime Aver” literal meaning Tell me so I can see it
2. Tell me what’s up or What’s going on, what’s up.
1. “Manin que lo que, dime ave- “hey man whats up, whats going on?”
s. saying.,
1. Pipo is a place made up by Dominicans that seems to be far (see Guachupita)
2. Meaning nothing, Another way to say “Damn”, or “Oh Damn”
1. “Ella es un baron? EL PIPO!” = “She’s a He? DAAMMN!!”
a. adjective.,
1. Literal meaning someone who has the flu
2. used to describe someone who is over-zealous about something
1. “Ese tipo tiene una fiebre con el maldito Nintendo ese, ni se para a miar” = “That guy is addicted to the Nintendo Video games, he doesn’t even get up to pee“
s. saying.,
1. Word to describe a bad smell,
2. Akin to saying EWW in English
1. Te tiraste un peo? Ay FO! = “You farted? Eww”
n. noun.,
1. Literal meaning Cold
2. Used as in “cool”, or “all good with”
3. chilling
1. “No te preocupe, to’ ta Frio” = “Don’t worry, everything is cool”
JABLADOR (ha-Blah-Door):
a. adjective.,
1. From the word HABLADOR meaning a talker
2. Someone who gossips a lot
3. Used to describe someone who lies, a liar
1. “El te dijo que yo le meti esa mangera a la puerca? Que maldito jablador eso fue el!” = “He told you I put that water hose up that pig? What a damn liar, that was him who did it!”
a. adjective.,
1. Derived From the English word Heavy, and the term “Heavy Duty”
2. Meaning “all good, everything is cool”
3. Looks good, or OK
1. “Diache Manin esa tipa ta Hevi duti” – “Damn man that chick is looking good”
s. saying.,
1. Used as “Coje Ahi”, or “Take that”.
2. Used as “That’s what you get”,
1. “Manga ahi manin, por freco” = “Take that man, (thats what you get) for being fresh”
n. noun.,
1. Derived from “Man” Diminutive term for “man”
1. “Manin quiere un chin de jugo de chinola” = “Hey Man, Want some Chinola Juice?”
MANSO (Man-So):
a. adjective.,
1. meaning Calm
2. Used to describe a domesticated pet, non agresive
3. Also used to describe your mood, “chilling”
1. “Dimelo manito como tu ta? Manso” = “Whats good man how are you? Chilling”
a. adjective.,
1. Means the boss, the big boss, the man.
2. a person that does boss-like things,
1. “No eperate, y es que tu no saves que yo soy el Matatan” = “Wait a second, you must not know I’m the man”
n. noun.,
1. From the word “MONSTRO” meaning Monster.
2. used as “dude” or “man”,
1. “Dimelo montro!” = “Whats up man!?”
adj. Adjective.,
1. To be a slick talker
2. Literal translation is “molar”, as in mouth – talker.
3. To Talk to someone trying to get something out of them.
1. “Diablo Chan tu si das muela” – “Damn man you talk a lot”
s. Saying.,
1. Word to describe surprise
2. Used as “oh my Gosh” or “Oh Damn”
1. “OFRESCOME que bajo a sicote!” – “Oh damn its smells of feet”
a. adjective.,
1. Derived from the English word Party Watcher according to a fan of the site who said (not verified) he told us: “pariguayo came about during the US intervention of 1916, American soldiers used to call “party watchers” those who would just stand and watch.”
2. Used as a term to describe a Lame person, a dumbass.
3. Someone not part of a group
1. “Ella te tava mirando y tu de pariguayo la dejate ir” = “She was looking at you, and like a lame you let her go”
n. Noun.,
1. a fart
1. “Diablo Chan ese peo fuiste tu?” – “Damn man that fart was you?”
s. saying.,
1. Made up word used instead of hell or damn, also considered a curse word
2. usually elongated when said, like this.. “ELLLL PPPIIIPPPPPPPOOOO”
1. “El Pipo y tu no te diste cuenta que estavas Ordeñando un becerro?” – “Damn, you didnt notice you were milking a bull and not a cow?”
n. noun.,
1. Interchangeable term, could be a person or place that you don’t want to know or be in
2. Not a real word, used instead of curse words as substitution instead of “Hell or B*tch”
1. “Maldito hijo de la porra, vete pa la porra” – “Damn son of a *****, go to hell”
s. sayin.,
1. What’s Up
2. What’s going on
3. Literal translation “What is What”
4. K lo K or KLK are text message abreviations of this term.
1. “Hey man, Que Lo que?” – “Hey Man, what’s going on?”
s. sayin.,
1. See Que Lo Que
d. description.,
1. To be Upset, Mad or angry
1. “Diablo manin, tu ta quillao por eso?” = “Damn Man, you mad because of that?”
RATRERIA or Rastreria (Rat-treh-Ria):
a. adjective.,
1. From the word Rastrero, meaning someone who uses a rake
2. deffinition of a dirt-ball, someone who does dirt and dirtyness seen as low by most
3. see website: Ratreria.Com
“Y tu y Vladi los dos se metieron con esa tipa al mismo tiempo? Que ratreria” – “Vladi and you both did it with that girl at the same time? What dirtballness”
n. noun.,
1. A frenzy, a group of people fighting
2. A gathering of people acting up or disturbing the peace
1. “Que cuchillo, el que tienes tu, si tu no te vas, se va almar un rebu” – “What a knife you got, if you don’t leave a fight is going to break out”
n. noun.,
1. Literal meaning “Rock”
2. To be on point, to be good with, to be right where you need to be.
3. To be hard.
1. “Loco pero tu ta levantando pesa? tu ta roca” = “Dog you lifting weights? You on point”
o. object.,
1. Term to describe thong Flip-flops, as in Samurai because Dominicans wear them with socks.
1. “Manin, pero ven aca, y esas chancleta sandmurai” = “Come here man, whats up with them flip-flops?”
a. adjective.,
1. A male worker who engages in sexual relationships with tourist in search of a visa
2. Someone who goes into a relationship with the final goal of getting money/gifts from their parter
3. Gold Digger
1. “ese un Sanky-Panky no te metas con el, metete conmigo” = “He only wants you for your money, I want your heart”
s. saying.,
1. Derrived from Tu Estas Pasado, meaning to be overdone
2. To have cross the line, to be a habitual line-stepper
3. Another way to say “You are crazy”
1. “Tu se lo metiste a tu prima? Tu ta pasao” = “You slept with your cousin? You’re crazy”
a. adjective.,
1. Literal meaning a huge piece of wood
2. Dominican slang to describe a hit, a great hit.
3. used to describe the severity of a punch/kick/smack.
1. “el maldito burro me dio un toletaso de pata que me rompio las costillas” = “The Damn Donkey hit me with a strong ass kick and broke my ribs”
s., saying.,.
1. Dominican slang / shortening of ”Esta Todo”, literal meaning “everything is there”.
2. Everything is good, everything is cool.
3. Used also instead of “bye” or “Alright”.
1. “Dimelo Chan, no vemos despues de la pelea? OK tato” – “whats up man, I see you after the fight? cool”
n. noun.,
1. Literal meaning “tiger”
2. A street corner hustler
3. A street smart character, smart-ass
1. “No andes con ese tipo, ese es un tiguere” = “Don’t hang out with that guy, he is a smart-ass”
n. noun.,
1. Literal meaning “little tiger”
2. A little kid
3. see Carajito
1. “yo no se, un tiguerito vino y se tiro un peo” = “I don’t know, a little kid came and farted”
a. action.,
1. Something you say when you hit someone in the adams apple
2. Did you read what I said above?
3. Ain’t that about the wildest sh*t you’ve heard?
1. “Olle manito, tu vez ese avion que bajito esta?” (Person looks up and you hit them in the adams apple by flicking your middle finger) “TINGOLA!” = “Hey man, check out how low that plane is flying” (Then as they look up you hit them and proceed to say) “TINGOLA”
s. sayin., adjective.,
1. Can be used instead of damn
2. The man, or to be great at “Yo soy el tolete a qui.” “Ese tipo e un telete en eso.”
3. It can also indicate a males private part.
4. can be used to describe a punch/smack/kick when used as “TOLETASO”
1. “EYY tolete que yaguaso le dio ese tipo a esa mujer”- “Damn! that guy hit that girl hard!”
s. Saying.,
1. Means you Already know, or you know it
2. Derrived from “Tu Lo Saves” meaning you already know it
3. Also used as a departures statement when saying bye to a person, as in you know what it is.
4. Made famous by Dominican rapper “El Lapiz”
1. “So hit me up later fam, tu lo ave..” – “contact me later, you already know”
s. saying.,
1. Literal meaning “You are Clorox” as in the detergent
2. To be in the clear, all good with.
3. To be cool with, to be cool.
1. “No te preocupes, tu ta cloro conmingo” = “Don’t worry you are cool with me”
a. adjective.,
1. To be wise, to be able to figure things out
2. a cool person, something that is cool
1. “Esa playa ta vakanisima” = “that beach is really cool”
n. noun.,
1. A word to describe a thing, anything, no.. really, any kind of thing
2. Not a Real word by the way
1. “Pasame esa vaina!” = “Pass me that thing!”
VERDUGO (Ver-Doo-Go):
a. adjective.,
1. Real meaning is Executioner
2. In the Dominican wrestling, Los Hermanos Bronco were called “Los Verdugos”, since they were considerably bigger muscle-wise than the average Dominican Wrestler, the term is also now used to describe someone who is muscular or strong 3. Someone who is heavy handed
1. “levantar 200 libras? No te preocupe tu eres un verdugo” = “Lift 20 pounds? Dont worry you’re strong”
WOLOROSO (Wall-Oh-Rose-Oh):
a. adjective.,
1. A really badly spelled and conjugated term from “Holor” meaning to smell
2. Meaning to Smell good
1. “Diablo muchacho el diablo pero tu si ta woloroso hoy” = “Damn kid, you sure smell good Today!”